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A forum for the disscussion of the Play by Mail games from Agema Publications

9 posters



    Number of posts : 778
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    Scramble - Page 2 Empty Re: Scramble

    Post by revvaughan Thu Feb 03, 2011 4:48 pm

    This forum has been very quiet for some time. However, things in SFE are anything but quiet. The British and the Austrians are currently at war with the Confederate States and it would appear that the Italians would like in on the action as well. If you have not looked at SFE, it is certainly and interesting time to jump into this world!

    Number of posts : 1673
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    Scramble - Page 2 Empty Re: Scramble

    Post by Kingmaker Thu Feb 03, 2011 4:56 pm

    cheers for the update it keeps interest in the game going
    Stuart Bailey
    Emperor of Europe
    Emperor of Europe

    Number of posts : 2601
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    Scramble - Page 2 Empty Re: Scramble

    Post by Stuart Bailey Sat Oct 27, 2012 5:34 pm

    Now I am really baffled:

    Infamous Drug runner Lord James Farnworth has been shot dead in Berlin by a Nun......which is normally fairly good evidence that he has been wiped out by the French Secret Services. Oddly the weapon used was of Hon East India Company make.

    But when one of Farnworth's Opium Corporation men gets arrested for being a very naughty boy in India he claims he is working for the French and Austrians.

    Seems so many suspect clue's on view I suspect a Red Herring Flavour Sausage.

    Number of posts : 458
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    Scramble - Page 2 Empty Re: Scramble

    Post by Basileus Sat Oct 27, 2012 6:38 pm

    I haven't a clue whats going on! However, you have to admit the potential stylistic content in the Eurograph Song contest will give Richard a challenge in GMing that contest!
    Stuart Bailey
    Emperor of Europe
    Emperor of Europe

    Number of posts : 2601
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    Scramble - Page 2 Empty Re: Scramble

    Post by Stuart Bailey Sun Oct 28, 2012 12:45 am

    So far the known contenders are:

    A) A fat German Paris based Pork Butcher with a thing for Nuns who plays the Tuba when he is not being Chancellor of Germany

    B) A group of ladyboy dancers

    C) A French Crooner who may not live long enough to tale part

    This is never going to catch on!

    Meanwhile in the ever popular sport of invasions for fun and profit Sima & Italy seem to have run into problems actually getting of the Boat. The French seem to be getting quite good at taking over Mountains & Desert Wastes while after a slow start the Czar seems to be getting up a head of steam.

    This type of inter state rivalry seems fairly clear and trouble free. What baffles me are the trade companies & orders of Nuns all of who seem to be involved or what to be involved in the the trade in opium or Khat as its known to some Nuns. The exception seems to be the HEIC which seems to be anti opium but will probably turn out to be responsible for more of the stuff than all the others combined.

    Mind you we do seem to have situation of Birmarck involved with Nuns....Nuns involved with opium.....Nuns rival in opium trade gunned down in Berlin. Makes you wonder what the suspect green flecks are in Bismarcks sausages?

    Number of posts : 458
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    Scramble - Page 2 Empty Re: Scramble

    Post by Basileus Sun Oct 28, 2012 10:57 am

    I think there is also going to be an Italian entry but it might be questionable if it will turn up for the competition in time, wheres the Russian and British entries?
    Stuart Bailey
    Emperor of Europe
    Emperor of Europe

    Number of posts : 2601
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    Scramble - Page 2 Empty Re: Scramble

    Post by Stuart Bailey Fri Mar 29, 2013 2:06 pm

    Nov 1854 issue of the Britannic Times is now out and the big issue is:

    1) What the hell has happened to Bismarck???? Question Our Hero was last seen a month ago as a captive of the ghastly Bavarian Socialist Rebels.......since then no news.

    rest of issue mostly headed

    2) LETS BASH THE HEIC......this poor little bunch of traders have given up opium growing and said they are very sorry about the small consignment of lost rifles. Well Ok very large lost consignment of modern breach loading rifles..........but still the wolves of the liberal press and the lawyers are out to get them. Sad

    3) In between making peace with the CSA the Noble Lord Derby PM of Britannia did his best to protect the HEIC from press and other attacks while standing up for free speach. Basically according to the PM its ok to write nasty things about the HEIC but its not OK to try and torch their warehouses, breach into peoples houses or pinch Maxim Gun plans from their factories. Dr Watson (Or is that Herr Dr Von Watson?) would therefore seem to be in a spot of bother over the Maxim plans.

    4) The Noble Lord was no doubt mostly inspired by interests of "fair play" and was not at all influenced by the fact that the HEIC pay his Government £800,000 a month in tax (plus a £1,000,000 fine this month) and the HEIC is a supplier of fairly good kit to the Britannic armed forces. Unlike some of other suppliers......the latest news on that front is that the Royal Navy new flagship is very well armed and armoured but is a shocking sea boat and a terrible gunnery platform in all but a dead calm.

    5) Austrian lottery has gone bust, more of their airships crashed but in Africa a Austrian Army armed with modern rifles and artillery did manage to kill a lot of spear armed natives lead by a renagade Austrian Engineer.

    6) In the Orient the holy war to get rid of French Nuns inc vampire ones, French Opium, and French running dogs like Sultan Moulay continues only the French seem to be taking a holiday.

    Scramble - Page 2 Empty Re: Scramble

    Post by Guest Sat Apr 06, 2013 12:05 pm

    So in between crashing Austrian airships, libeled merchants, disappearing British machine gun plans and unsailable warships, not much going on Wink
    Stuart Bailey
    Emperor of Europe
    Emperor of Europe

    Number of posts : 2601
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    Location : Somewhere East of Bristol & West of Bath
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    Scramble - Page 2 Empty Re: Scramble

    Post by Stuart Bailey Sat Apr 06, 2013 12:39 pm

    Jason wrote:So in between crashing Austrian airships, libeled merchants, disappearing British machine gun plans and unsailable warships, not much going on Wink

    I forgot to mention that Mme Giselle Hastings (A French Widow more deadly than the Black?)has made it to Dalhi and we now have an Indian Independance Movement headed by a dodgy lawyer called Chitale. Indian Mutiney anyone?

    Also the Cossack lackies of the Russian Czar have taken Cherson. It got off to a slow start but the Russian Steam Roller seems to be getting up a head of steam (unlike German Naval Boilers). After every victory the Czar's boys seem to enjoy a jolly good sing song ending with the hymn "Next year in Jersusalem" current rate it may turn into reality. Crimean War anyone?

    Stuart Bailey
    Emperor of Europe
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    Number of posts : 2601
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    Scramble - Page 2 Empty Re: Scramble

    Post by Stuart Bailey Fri Apr 19, 2013 10:38 pm

    December Britannic Times has now shown up and the high points of this most interesting (and down right weird) game are:

    1) Our Hero Bismarck is still a captive of the dastardly socialist the German Generals even care?

    2) Steam powered Austrian Naval Airships continue to crash and the whole lot has now been grounded. Do they buy their boilers from the same place as the German Navy?

    3) Perhaps they should buy from the HEIC instead......generally good month for the HEIC in that they a) Legally battered their hated rival Lord Farnworth (Newspaper Baron & Drugs dealer) in the Courts and reclaimed £1.1 million pounds b) Showed up the Royal Armies Factory as a inferior supplier and c) Beat Giselle Hastings at strip I detect a flashman shuffle?

    The only bad news for the HEIC was that they increased their end of year dividend by 50% to £3M and this is seen as parsimonious!

    4) Dividend might have been higher but for a £250,000 donation to Lord Derby's Tory Party. While Legal and open Lord Farnworth of the Opium Cartel and his Khat loving liberal lap dog Gladstone will no doubt consider this as yet more cronyism.

    5) More bad news for Khat Traders is that a huge consignment has gone missing in the Italian Port of Nuovo Ostia. Another failure for Italian harbour authorities on a par with the missing rifles. Possible clue's as to the missing Khat is the the Russian Merchant Marine are seeing things at sea & the Maharaja of Jaipur has painted his palace pink.

    6) The Italians are also putting the blame on the French for the failure of their song contest.

    7) The CSA Govt has freed its slaves while at the same time it has sold its African colony to Global and restarted trade with the Brits inc the HEIC. Some people see this as a bold move openning up the sleepy Southern economy to free market capitalism. Others think Jefferson is now swimming with the Sharks minus a rubber ring.

    Cool Finally last but not least the French officially a light to Nations having had a search light named after him........had decided to enlighten North Africa via the medium of Ballet and intends to make the Mullahs Dance and put young ladies and men into tights.

    In a perhaps not 100% unrelated incident the Mahdi's Jihhad against such things seems to be gathering strength. MbotPerhaps not wholly dc thaty


    Number of posts : 458
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    Scramble - Page 2 Empty Re: Scramble

    Post by Basileus Sat May 11, 2013 5:34 pm

    Hi Stuart, are you going to do an update on the recent turn? Your commentaries are appreciated.
    Stuart Bailey
    Emperor of Europe
    Emperor of Europe

    Number of posts : 2601
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    Location : Somewhere East of Bristol & West of Bath
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    Registration date : 2012-01-29

    Scramble - Page 2 Empty Re: Scramble

    Post by Stuart Bailey Sat May 11, 2013 11:34 pm

    January 1855 issue of the Britannic Times has shown up and following a special request by Agema's favourite ferret fancier here are this months highlight's:

    1) The bad news is that sections of the German Home Army has turned Red and our hero Bismarck is still held captive by the dastardly socialists who have now shot both his band and his mistress. How many mistresses can one man lose?

    2) The good news (from a German viewpoint) is that Archbishop Schonmuller flock in Massawa had not been wiped out and are slowly getting the hang of how to use their rifles.... practiceing on Austrian trade convoys.

    3) More Gernan good news (and oh boy do they need some good news) is that Hetman Mohammed has joined the German Empire because they are going to stop the Russians.

    4) Not sure if this message has been passed onto the Cossack Lackies of the Czar who finally broke the Tribe of Dan this month.....using Artillery, Cavalry and wave after wave of Infantry.

    5) The Global Adventurers bought and then sold the Skeleton Coast to Sima for a tidy profit. Oddly this company is now the 2nd on the most prestigious list way above the Hon East India Company. Which is odd when you think about it since the HEIC seems to pay better dividends.

    The HEIC may be good at making money but it seems to have problems at Home & in India

    6) In good old Blighty a influential chunk of the liberal party & the liberal press view it as a Tory Govt lapdog.........or perhaps they view the Tory Govt as a HEIC lapdog????

    7) In India the manufacturing heart of Calcutta seems to have a law and order problem. Too be fair to the India Special Branch they did catch and shot "Dr Watson" for knicking machine gun plans but who sliced up Mahamut Neru?

    Was it:

    a) The Calcutta Ripper?

    b) A crime of passion? The dec'd being famous for his charming manner towards Young Men, Young Ladies & Nuns.

    By view is if in doubt blame a Nun but I suspect most people will "follow the money".....the Dec'd campaign against the evils of opium cost the Farnworths & their Ottoman Jew (Sassoon's) and Triad mates a lot of cash. Cross people like this and you are liable to be found face down in Canton/Calcutta/London Harbour with your throat cut.

    Cool On the subject of the Opiate Corporation....oddly they now seem to be hand in glove with sections of the Imperial Govt. Exactly how many rifles did it cost the Opium Cartel to gain a monopoly of trade via Canton? Or are we talking machine guns and heavy artillery here?

    - Another Brit trade triumph I hear you cry! But I suspect the Opiate Corporation probably now have less fans than the Mahdi. Will Lord Derby's fleet ever get out of Dry Dock to save plucky Farnworth and the Brit Opium Traders?

    9) Finally the Mahdi marched into Jerada and purged it of ungodly organs and French Nuns affraid I think this means war.

    Number of posts : 458
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    Scramble - Page 2 Empty Re: Scramble

    Post by Basileus Tue May 14, 2013 6:43 pm

    Thanks for that Stuart. For Germania it was another turn, another two characters dead. My characters seem to have the longevity characteristics of Welsh sheep. I don't seem to be that successful in this game, but I have reached the point that I am not that concerned about territory, money or prestige. But the loss of the glockenspiel and tuba band along with the beautiful Adeline singing in her Italian accent was quite a blow coming on top of rebelling Bavarians and useless dreadnought battleships. (Might go off and play Fall of the Samurai now because the dreadnought battleship fights there are fun, especially in first person mode).
    Does any one notice the similarity of this game to the "Carry On" films.I am playing Bismark as Sid James, my leading spy as Kenneth Williams and Frankie Howard has a key role too.Or is this just me and is this why I am doing so badly?
    Stuart Bailey
    Emperor of Europe
    Emperor of Europe

    Number of posts : 2601
    Age : 61
    Location : Somewhere East of Bristol & West of Bath
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    Registration date : 2012-01-29

    Scramble - Page 2 Empty Re: Scramble

    Post by Stuart Bailey Sun Jun 02, 2013 4:08 pm

    Feb 1855 Britannic Times has now shown up and I strongly suspect that the German Player is in a large majority in thinking he is doing really badly.......mind you not many others have a main character who has lost 4 mistresses and is currently being held captive by rebels in their home country. Making it really difficult to visit his pox doctor.

    More typically Lord Farnworth the Opium Cartel boss is feeling hard done by because he lost £100,000 in a court case. While the HEIC boss who parted him from the £100,000 can not get into his Wine cellar after the India Special Branch locked a suspect spy in it and then lost the keys. Meanwhile Lord Derby the Brittanic Prime Minister is feeling hard done by since he is the one who generally gets battered by the Press everytime the Opium Cartel, Tea Cartel or the HEIC screw up.

    Anyway here are the highlights from Feb:

    1) The plight of Bismarck and the socialist revolution in Bavaria is finally starting to cause concern to others. Disraeli is bothered that if revolution becomes "trendy" then it may spread to those followers of fashion the French.

    2) Meanwhile Grand Duke Polovtsov is busy damning "namby pamby liberals like Bismarck, Lord Derby and the German Generals" for not putting the revolt down. Mind you he also thinks the revolt is part of a wider Jewish Communist plot directed at Rossia...........Just because the lost (now found and shot) tribe of Dan dont like him and the Brit Govt & Opium Cartel include a few Ex Jews and have banned the Rossians from Canton, Russian Nationalist paranoia seems to have kicked in big time.

    For the German players info I think the game is more like the Flashman books than the carry on films.

    3) People may have a point about revolution spreading from Germany........truely 1855 is a revolting year - a) Lead by a German Bishop Massawa has revolted against the Italians b) The Hiran has revolted against the Austrians and c) Most of North Africa seems to be protesting about the French trying to force their young men into ballet tights.

    Meanwhile Polovtsov merry men seem to be busy crushing revolts against the Czar by people who did not even know they were in the Russian Empire let alone in revolt against it.

    4) Sherlock Holmes has returned from the "Continent" after closing a case and is now working for the Opiate Corporation. Wonder if by "Continent" he means the "Sub Contnent" ?????? Since the HEIC has just shot a Dr Watson for trying to pinch their machine Gun blue prints.

    5) Osterreich seems to have kid-napped Msr Giffard from France to fix their dodgy air-arm they have also dropped the rate of corporation tax to attract corporations. Sadly no one seems to have told them that corporations do not only provide tax income and extra R & D but can also provide a whole heap of trouble......Ask Lord Derby.

    One wonders how the Emperor will react to kid-napping on the very soil of France? One also wonders if Lord Derby will be happy to help the Opium Corporation pack up and pay for their ticket to Vienna. Just as soon has he gets back from charming the good old boys and the Southern Belles in the CS of A with his English Accent.

    6) India - oddly not a lot seems to be going on. I assume the ISB is looking into the "Calcutta Ripper Case" but they are yet to arrest or shot anyone for it. Warding, Darcy, Cornel, Chitale etc spoilt for choose really. At this rate they will have use a maxim rather than a fireing squad.

    Of course they could be just waiting to see which of the suspect's nerve's crack first. If someone flee's India they can then blame him (or her) and its Lord Derby's problem to bring the rogue to justice.

    7) China - Italian forces seem set to leave abandoning their Sima allies. Suspect Sima's problem in trying to bring peace, fair trade and enlightenment to China will not be with the Imperial Govt of the Emperor who's Army still seems to use Spears but with the Warlords, Triads and other members of the Opium and Tea Cartel's who like things as they are and do not want to be regulated or taxed by the King of Sima.

    Number of posts : 458
    Age : 63
    Location : Wales/Cornwall
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    Registration date : 2011-07-01

    Scramble - Page 2 Empty Re: Scramble

    Post by Basileus Sat Jun 08, 2013 10:29 pm

    So I need to introduce a more Leslie Phillips element to the German government in order to bring on a more Flashman approach! What about a Lord Flashheart (Rik Mayell) from Blackadder, or even more Adrian Edmondson as the Red Baron in series 4. Being German its probably better to stay typecast with duelling scars and evil ways but still fundementally incompetent with my Carry On actors in charge of the German government. Charles Hawtry as the Kaiser?
    Stuart Bailey
    Emperor of Europe
    Emperor of Europe

    Number of posts : 2601
    Age : 61
    Location : Somewhere East of Bristol & West of Bath
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    Registration date : 2012-01-29

    Scramble - Page 2 Empty Re: Scramble

    Post by Stuart Bailey Sun Jun 09, 2013 12:32 pm

    Ref the German bits in the Flashman series of books the books I would recommend are "Royal Flash" and part of "Flashman & the Tiger".

    In the books the main German charcters generally have our hero's respect but scare the daylights out of him.

    Mind you Flashman does get Bismarck beaten up in a bear knuckle fight in "Royal Flash" and in Flashman and the Tiger Bsmarck agent turns out to be a double agent.

    If your interest is:

    China - read Flashman and the Dragon & Flashman's Lady (which also has some good bits on cricket)

    India - Flashman and Flashman and the Moutain of Light

    America - Flashman and the Angel of the Lord & Flashman & the Redskins

    Africa - Flashman for Freedom (plus America)

    Russia/Central Asia - Flashman at the Charge & Flashman in the Great Game

    For utter lunacy by the same author I suggest "The Reavers"

    Number of posts : 778
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    Scramble - Page 2 Empty German Troubles...

    Post by revvaughan Mon Jun 10, 2013 5:09 am

    The socialist in Germany do tend to be a problem. One wonders how long before the evil Lord Derby must do something. Perhaps, the Opium Corporation would rather move to Berlin and then all the rotten eggs would be in one basket!

    Stuart Bailey
    Emperor of Europe
    Emperor of Europe

    Number of posts : 2601
    Age : 61
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    Scramble - Page 2 Empty Re: Scramble

    Post by Stuart Bailey Tue Jun 11, 2013 9:28 pm

    Evil Lord Derby ???? How can you say that about a spiffing chap who has done his best to rid the world of the twin plagues of slavery and Mahdism? Its not his fault the Mad Mahdi is still running wild and Madhi is getting thousands of volunteers rushing to join his happy band due to French & Italian actions.

    The Poor chap has also stood up for press freedom and the English right of freedom of expression even with the Opium Cartel and the Times putting the boot in every month.

    Finally ask yourself who would you prefer as British Prime Minister? Lord Derby or a drug taking liberal stooge of the French/China Triads with a Nun habit like Gladstone or one of the Tory Backwood's men of the HEIC who think crowd control is done with a Maxim.

    Number of posts : 778
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    Scramble - Page 2 Empty Re: Scramble

    Post by revvaughan Tue Jun 11, 2013 9:49 pm

    Just playing the part that the press sees fit to place upon such a man at the center of the storm. The Mahdi sure hasn't stumbled close to anything that has a Union Jack flying above it.

    Sure have been a lot of Nun's habits on the map over the past few years. One wonders who is ministering to the faithful.
    Stuart Bailey
    Emperor of Europe
    Emperor of Europe

    Number of posts : 2601
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    Scramble - Page 2 Empty Re: Scramble

    Post by Stuart Bailey Thu Jun 13, 2013 9:56 pm

    revvaughan wrote:Just playing the part that the press sees fit to place upon such a man at the center of the storm.  The Mahdi sure hasn't stumbled close to anything that has a Union Jack flying above it.  

    Sure have been a lot of Nun's habits on the map over the past few years.  One wonders who is ministering to the faithful.  

    Well the Mahdi seems to be doing his bit for Religion unless you are saying that his sudden campaign against the French is due to Lord Derby's cash rather than the French trying to force Wine, Nuns, Banking and other outrages onto the God Fearing people of North Africa.

    Other than that we seem to have a active German Bishop out to smite the Sodomites of Italy and Austria.

    Finally we have that Russian Chap and his flock of jolly hymn singing Cossacks.

    Number of posts : 778
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    Registration date : 2008-07-15

    Scramble - Page 2 Empty Re: Scramble

    Post by revvaughan Mon Jun 17, 2013 5:12 am

    It would appear that the Mahdi has roamed free of British held territory the past year or so.  Could be the patrols...  Could be that he can count and knows what is there and desires not to make his move now.
    Stuart Bailey
    Emperor of Europe
    Emperor of Europe

    Number of posts : 2601
    Age : 61
    Location : Somewhere East of Bristol & West of Bath
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    Registration date : 2012-01-29

    Scramble - Page 2 Empty Bismarck Free !! (March 1855 Britannic Times)

    Post by Stuart Bailey Sun Jun 30, 2013 12:38 am

    And in one bound our hero is free !...........The Socialist Revolution in Bavaria is finally over with the Rebels chased out of Munich by a mix of Catholic Nuns and Music Lovers (and no I dont mean the French Army who sent month in North African Whore Houses.)

    Oddly the Ending of the Revolution came just after the HEIC made major investments in the German Stock Market. With Lord Charles Hardinge adopting a spread betting view that if the "Reds" are defeated current German Share Prices are really cheap. But if German Rivals of British & American companies he owns stakes in get wiped out in the revolution he makes money on the Anglo-American companies who would have a monopoly in selected markets.

    Well it made sence to the HEIC even if it made sence to no one else.

    Other events in March 1855 inc

    1) A game of "Lets all slag off Lord Farnworth and the Opium Cartel." Not sure what hurts the Opium Cartel more the verbal attacks of Disraeli and the Tory Press. Or rival triads torching its warehouses in Canton.

    2) In the Orient both Russia & Germania have taken control of new area's but else-where it is anarchy.

    3) Ditto Indea but in a less military way. Wild religious zealots may not be on the war path but someone has slipped the Gov-Gen a micky finn in his brandy !!! And hung a well known lawyer as well.

    Number of posts : 778
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    Scramble - Page 2 Empty Re: Scramble

    Post by revvaughan Mon Jul 01, 2013 3:11 pm

    Bismark is free... I wonder if this indicates new blood for Germania. Also, it appears that the enemy of the HEIC keeps striking out at the good Viscount. I don't believe the gentleman nor Her Majesty's Government will tolerate this much longer.

    The Mahdi seems to be well away the Nile. One wonders what that madman might be up to.

    Number of posts : 458
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    Scramble - Page 2 Empty Re: Scramble

    Post by Basileus Mon Jul 01, 2013 6:01 pm

    Same old Germania, and there is still a rebellion in Bavaria, its just that "Bizzy" got free, which was a suprise as I planned on leaving him in jail but with a tuba for company!

    Number of posts : 778
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    Scramble - Page 2 Empty Re: Scramble

    Post by revvaughan Mon Jul 01, 2013 7:13 pm

    Now you will just have to kill him off I guess. Perhaps a Nun with a gun!!!

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