Now from what I remember some of the game positions are meant to be easier to play than others, and therefor, argueably, shorter to write up & have to think about. However, in my four incarnations in the LGDR/TGOK world I have played as small, medium & large game positions & have found that they all seem to take more & more time to play. This I acknowledege is due to my increased activity in-game & making small game positions into world famous legends (self ego stroking).
But to get back to the reason for starting this thread. If I may ask. How long on average does it take for my fellow gamers to complete a game turn, from reading all information newspaper etc, to writing up & then eventual posting back off to Agema?
For myself I read the game return, sit on it for about 3 to 4 days, thinking on it in the most strangest places which I wont go into. Jotting down some ideas here & there. Then I start a draft turn with my thoughts. The after another couple of days of thinking things through I go back to my draft game turn & finalise. This normally however, taking a totally different route from what I had planned over the week & I find myself having to quickly rethink & get it finished off & printed as it has to be sent back to Agema tomorrow.
Anyway, how long does it take for others to play their turn is something I was wondering & would like to ask, please.