Deacon wrote:
Well, I think one of the reasons the games tend to play out the way they do is that a lot of the 'loser' positions never get played.
You only get one position in a game. Most would rather play England than the Jacobites. France over Blackbeard, Austria over Hungarian Nationalists and so on.
Having looked at a number of the smaller positions, you don't really have a lot of resources or options, so it makes for a much more restricted game.
So as a consequence, I think the game self-selects for 'winners' and the historical trends play out.
I can't think of a solution for it unless Richard could come up with some half-position where you paid a normal turn fee a month, but no extra orders, and just set high level direction for the position with going into too much detail. Perhaps that would encourage people to play one of the smaller spoiler positions in a new game.
But even that I think would be hard to do.
I doubt Richard would want to do it, but another idea to encourage more balance in the positions played is to make the base turn fee different, and so make the bigger states subsidize the turn fees of the smaller states in some way, basically putting market demand to work and charging more for the in-demand positions and less for the less desirable positions.
I just don't see any easy answers to this game tendency, and I think most don't really view it as much of a problem, so I suspect it will mostly remain that way except for a few of us Don Quixotes who will tilt at windmills.
Brilliant riposte! and what is success anyway? For a nation things put in train now may not bear fruit for a century or so. For a person playing a king that might not be of value.
But not everyone is playing to run Europe are they?
Deacon, I'll play Sancho "Panzer" to your Don any day.....