by Stuart Bailey Sun Jun 03, 2012 4:16 pm
Oh no its Rob Roy MacRegor !!
"Controversial & pot stirring" Me ??????????? I think my style is more gentle whimsey brought on by having to watch the rain when I should be playing cricket.
For info I think the Swedes hit the Czar too early.........I would have waited for the Czar to have actually invaded Austria then I would have hit attempted to hit St Petersburg from my Finnish bases and burnt the heart out of Russia from St Petersburg to Moscow and back before the main Russian Armies could leave Austria.
As it is Raval is a impressive tactical victory but all its going to do in the long run is really, really annoy the Czar & his hordes. Poor lads have marched all the way to Kiev expecting to see (and loot) the fleshpots of Vienna, Prague, Budapest etc and now they have to march all the way home famous in nursey rhyms as:
"The Grand Old Czar of Russia,
He had 100,000 men,
He marched them to Kiev,
And then he marched them home again."
To defeat Russia in the long run the Swedes either needed to fight hard in 1700 and keep the Russians out of the Baltic/Building Fleet. Now to stand a chance they need either Polish or even better Ottoman allies.
Charles of Sweden plus the new Grand Vizier attempting to "Chain the Bear" and save Eastern Europe from forced Vodka drinking and endless meetings about Oxthodox Dogma.............I say bring it on
Even if it does put young love in a difficult position in Moldavia. Wonder who the Prince of Moldavia is really loyal too if push comes to shove? His overlord? Or the new in laws?
As for a peace conferance in Yorktown........I agree 100% with the Marquis de Bridgemont. If the Emperor agreed it was only because he is getting on a bit and his hearing is a bit weak after all the hunting and thought they said York. Towne