by benjpeters Fri Mar 29, 2013 2:22 pm
Ok, so, first question: Where to start? I've read through rulebook and this turn's newspaper, but I'm still a little confused. I was expecting a turn sheet that I would be provide with and that would offer me a little more in the way of guidance. In lieu of that, I'm guessing that what I am to do is to craft my orders in a Word document. These orders should be numbered one through whatever, because there is no limit to what I can try and do. Is this correct? I should then write up letters, missives, or whatever else and attach those to my Word document. Then, I need to fill out my Treasury Sheet (in pen and then scanned?), but I'm lost as to what I should actually include on this sheet.
So, from what I can tell, Glory of Kings is a massive sandbox. I can do whatever I want. The question I'm having is, what should I do or, more precisely, where should I start? What would be good goals for a beginner? I assume I won't be taking over the world and I don't particularly feel very militant, so how does one begin to trade? Can a land locked country trade? Do I need to secure ports? Does that mean war? How on earth do I conduct a war?
Anyway, I love the complexity of this game (that's why I'm paying to play it), but I could use a little more direction.
Here's what I was thinking of doing for my first turn: 1) Play it safe. 2) Write letters to all of my neighbors. 3) If I can figure it out, start to develop some trade alliances to boost my coffers. Does that sound about right?
I appreciate any and all advice that comes my way.
PS--I'm also a little confused as to how I should read my kingdom's result sheet. For instance, if it were, hypothetically, to say: "x7 internal agents, searching for foreign spies. England." Does that mean I have 8 total, but one is deployed in England? If so, what is he or she doing?