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A forum for the disscussion of the Play by Mail games from Agema Publications

The Revenant
8 posters

    TGOK 8 [Swashbuckler] - Mister B. Yorke


    Number of posts : 661
    Location : North Yorkshire
    Reputation : 9
    Registration date : 2015-08-15

    TGOK 8 [Swashbuckler] - Mister B. Yorke - Page 4 Empty Re: TGOK 8 [Swashbuckler] - Mister B. Yorke

    Post by Rozwi_Game10 Fri Aug 25, 2017 8:27 pm

    October 1707

    MISTER BARTHOLOMEW YORKE, feeling rather needled on being called
    a sassenach, laid on the Yorkshire accent, thick, in his reply to Charles Stirling
    of Kippendavie.

    “Now then, Mister Stirling. I thank thee for y' kind offer, but I'm of a mind
    t'venture east and no t'west. So the Americas is well out of't picture. India, that
    looks like place where profit can be had for't taking - and I plan to do just that.
    Now, if that might fit bill for yer'sel an't partners, then an arrangement could
    just be had if't numbers prove right enough. What say y' t'that?”

    Charles narrowed his eyes, shook his head and tutted. “I offer ye one way, and ye
    take it another, are ye slippery like an eel, eh Mister Yorke? I’ll take ma’ time
    and think on it.”

    Bartholomew nodded, and told the Scotsman that he would allow him time to
    come to his decision.

    Mister Yorke then went and paid Maestro Hindes for his services at the
    upcoming ball (10 guineas). He was most pleased, and thanked you for
    employing him, “I trust the music will be to your satisfaction, and make it my
    noble aim to ensure it is!” he said.

    Then began his own preparations for the event, visiting first a cobbler for fitted
    shoes (5 guineas) and then a tailor to have made new clothing (6 guineas).
    Lastly a new hat was sought (a guinea). All these items being of a plain and
    practical design, in dark colours, but of obvious good quality and marking him
    as a commoner of no small means. Bartholomew's only concession to vanity was
    made in the purchase of a silver topped black walking cane (3 guineas), which
    could be suspended via a looped strap from a waistcoat button to allow him use
    of his hands.


    The ball is next turn, on the 5th of November, so I'd best think up something interesting to contribute.
    Maybe I'll have to have it posted on the door in big letters, "No persons calling English men sassenachs
    are to be permitted - on pain of a Yorkshire-shoe-clad-foot encountering seized backside of the offender!"

    TGOK 8 [Swashbuckler] - Mister B. Yorke - Page 4 Empty Re: TGOK 8 [Swashbuckler] - Mister B. Yorke

    Post by Guest Sat Aug 26, 2017 3:00 pm

    I see...EVEN MORE anti-Scottish in-game...just you wait...any minute now a thousand highlanders will turn up on your doorstep and go Braveheart on you

    Razz Very Happy

    Number of posts : 661
    Location : North Yorkshire
    Reputation : 9
    Registration date : 2015-08-15

    TGOK 8 [Swashbuckler] - Mister B. Yorke - Page 4 Empty Re: TGOK 8 [Swashbuckler] - Mister B. Yorke

    Post by Rozwi_Game10 Sat Aug 26, 2017 3:46 pm

    In my defence. He started it! lol!

    And it could have been worse ... I could have employed my weakness of Temper when giving my reply to Mr Stirling of Kippendavie.


    Number of posts : 661
    Location : North Yorkshire
    Reputation : 9
    Registration date : 2015-08-15

    TGOK 8 [Swashbuckler] - Mister B. Yorke - Page 4 Empty Re: TGOK 8 [Swashbuckler] - Mister B. Yorke

    Post by Rozwi_Game10 Wed Sep 27, 2017 1:35 pm

    My Game Account's information:

    November 1707 - Hull:

    EMPLOYING HIS FAVOURED letter writer, Mister Bartholomew
    Yorke had drawn up a paper listing those named as being 'donating
    backers' to the Royal Society, leaving space available at the bottom of
    the document for late entries. The document was then handed over to
    the parish church of Holy Trinity, for safekeeping and as record of
    those generous residents of Hull who can rightly beproud of their
    action to aid the Scientific Mission to Greenland.

    On the way back he met again Charles Stirling of Kippendavie, who
    hailed Mister Yorke, “No, laddie. Mah ain folk are but interested in the
    Americas trade, an’ if ye will nae tak advantage ofour offer, so be it, we
    must find someone else. An’ may ye find fair winds tae the east.
    Howsoever, shud ye change yer min’ in the next month or so, ye can
    write tae me at Kippendavie.”

    “Lung mae yer lumb reek, Mister Yorke,” he concluded, tipping his hat.

    The ball being, still, some days away, Bartholomew made arrangements
    for a selection of food stuff be available at the event. Small morsels to
    offer repast and fortify between dances, nothing heavy nor too large.
    The bill for the same cost 150 guineas, ensuring there was plenty of
    such exquisite delights for all who are to attend.

    During attendance at the ball, Bartholomew made acquaintance of all
    present, thanking them for their efforts aiding the Royal Society and
    benefit to Scientific understanding of the Modern Age. Before the
    gathered host became enthralled to the merriment, Bartholomew led
    them in toasting the English Monarchy and to the success of the Royal
    Society - adding, part in-jest, that he wished upon the gentlemen
    belonging the government of Denmark, who had initially attempted to
    thwart the mission, a hearty case of flatulence andall the pain to the
    body that such did bring! Such humour caused mild offence to some
    present, but the younger set laughed most heartily.

    Before the evening did come to a close, an appearance was made of a
    sewn-up set of clothes plumped out with fodder and other such filling,
    and topped with a reversed wooden bowl attached in place and bearing
    the crude visage of a male face. “'Tis that fiend, Guy Fawkes. The
    gunpowder-plotter has come back to receive his just punishment!” cried
    out Bartholomew, who then took hold of the puppet and led it around the
    room to receive it's insults and comic attacks, all done to the
    accompaniment of fevered music prearranged with Maestro Hindes.

    Having Ern come forth to rid them of the 'traitor Fawkes', the mood
    and music became more relaxed, allowing a last chance for
    Bartholomew to mingle amongst the esteemed gentlemen present and
    to beg the indulgence of a last dance with the ladywhom he
    considered most prettily dressed.


    The Newspaper's account:

    A paper listing those named as being 'donating backers' to
    the Royal Society has been handed over to the parish
    church of Holy Trinity in Hull, for safekeeping by
    Mister Bartholomew Yorke, as a record of those generous
    residents of Hull who can rightly be proud of their
    action to aid the Scientific Mission to Greenland.

    A much-vaunted ball was held in the city on 5th
    November, to the delight of the local gentry. They at one
    point toasted the English monarchy, and the success
    of the Royal Society. Mister Yorke added, part in-jest it
    seems, that he wished upon the gentlemen belonging to
    the government of Denmark, who had initially attempted
    to thwart the mission, a hearty case of flatulence and
    all the pain to the body that such did bring!

    Before the evening did come to a close, an appearance
    was made of a sewn-up set of clothes plumped out with
    fodder and other such filling, and topped with a
    reversed wooden bowl attached in place and
    bearing the crude visage of a male face.  'Tis that fiend,
    Guy Fawkes. The gunpowder-plotter has come
    back to receive his just punishment! cried out
    Bartholomew, who then took hold of the puppet and led
    it around the room to receive insults and comic
    attacks, all done to the accompaniment of fevered
    music prearranged with Maestro Hindes.

    Number of posts : 661
    Location : North Yorkshire
    Reputation : 9
    Registration date : 2015-08-15

    TGOK 8 [Swashbuckler] - Mister B. Yorke - Page 4 Empty Re: TGOK 8 [Swashbuckler] - Mister B. Yorke

    Post by Rozwi_Game10 Wed Nov 08, 2017 1:02 pm

    Mister Bartholomew Yorke

    December 1707

    Type: Merchant (common class).

    Nationality: English.

    Religion: Anglican.



    Social standing: In good standing.

    BARTHOLOMEW WENT ON a spending spree around Hull,
    securing a lockable travelling trunk (priced at four guineas), and a
    smaller lockable strongbox which can fit into the said trunk (price six
    guineas). A linked neck chain upon which to keep the keys for both
    was procured, at a further two guineas.

    It was noted with great approval that Mister Bartholomew Yorke has
    gifted 30 guineas to Holy Trinity Church, in aid of poor relief to be
    disbursed over the winter months. Mister Yorke is known to frequent
    the said church, and was believed to be only too delighted to spread
    goodwill amongst his fellow men as they celebrated Christmas.

    At church the services of Alfred Taylor, man of law in partnership with
    Messrs. Thatcher, Cooper & Abbott, was recommended to you. Their
    office is on Laburnum Avenue, at number 49. The following Sunday to
    when his name had been mentioned he turned up at church in person
    and introduced himself. In the conversation which followed he was
    pleased to confirm he would be only too able and willing to assist in
    drawing up papers to detail trade investments, whenever they are to be
    made, to ensure legal protection and contractual veracity. Especially for
    such a renowned fellow as Mister Bartholomew Yorke!

    Number of posts : 661
    Location : North Yorkshire
    Reputation : 9
    Registration date : 2015-08-15

    TGOK 8 [Swashbuckler] - Mister B. Yorke - Page 4 Empty Re: TGOK 8 [Swashbuckler] - Mister B. Yorke

    Post by Rozwi_Game10 Thu Dec 14, 2017 10:50 am

    January 1708 - London:

    ON THE FIRST Friday of the month, after a week of travel along cold
    and icy roads through snowed-under towns and villages, Bartholomew’s
    hired coach reached the city of London. The journey had been largely
    uneventful, most people and indeed animals preferring to remain
    indoors as the temperature is as cold as the bottom the sea but rather
    more frozen. The cold bites into your bones, and sets your teeth on

    This cold condition did nothing to help Bartholomew’s mood as he
    stepped down to dismount outside the Old Thameside Inn. The tavern
    looked a familiar sight as he surveyed it from the street outside, but as
    some snow dislodged and landed on his hat it knocked it clean off. The
    innkeeper’s wife, Abigail Smith, on seeing this ran out and fussed about
    it. Bartholomew’s temper flared, he belted out against his better
    judgement, “No fuss, woman, stop fussing!” and as she insisted on still
    trying to dust snow off his shoulders, he gave her what was meant to be
    a gentle nudge. Not knowing the force of the push, he was astounded to
    see her set flying, landing hard in the snow!

    “Well I never!” she complained.

    Horace her husband came outdoors clutching a pewter tankard and
    wagged it at you threateningly, “Lay no hands of my wife! I’ll have the
    watch on you I shall!”

    He looked more closely, and then as recognition dawned he added,
    “Mister Bartholomew, I’m surprised at you. Never gave us trouble
    before. Now make good your apologies, or you won’t be staying here, no
    not for all the tea in China I says!”

    He then observed Ern and his two mates, who squared up beside
    Bartholomew facing him.

    “What you say?” asked Ern.

    “Uhm…” Horace gulped.


    Bartholomew has gone to St. James Palace and is asking at the gate to
    be allowed in to see none other than the Duke of Halifax, ‘as he asked
    in the letter addressed to me of December 1707’.

    Number of posts : 661
    Location : North Yorkshire
    Reputation : 9
    Registration date : 2015-08-15

    TGOK 8 [Swashbuckler] - Mister B. Yorke - Page 4 Empty Re: TGOK 8 [Swashbuckler] - Mister B. Yorke

    Post by Rozwi_Game10 Thu Dec 14, 2017 10:54 am

    Will just state that sensitive information from my turns isn't posted on this forum, and there probably will come a point in the future when I cannot copy my turn's details as Bartholomew will be embroiled in actions that would impact Game 8, and to do so would allow various players advantage over others.

    Number of posts : 778
    Reputation : 13
    Registration date : 2008-07-15

    TGOK 8 [Swashbuckler] - Mister B. Yorke - Page 4 Empty Re: TGOK 8 [Swashbuckler] - Mister B. Yorke

    Post by revvaughan Fri Dec 15, 2017 2:34 am

    You can't be left in the cold for long... We shall see what happens this coming month.

    Number of posts : 661
    Location : North Yorkshire
    Reputation : 9
    Registration date : 2015-08-15

    TGOK 8 [Swashbuckler] - Mister B. Yorke - Page 4 Empty Re: TGOK 8 [Swashbuckler] - Mister B. Yorke

    Post by Rozwi_Game10 Wed Jan 17, 2018 1:58 pm

    Latest turn has arrived and here is the turn report from my Swashbuckler character.

    I will be honest and admit that myself and the player controlling England did collaborate when it came to the backstory of how his Duke knew my Commoner. Talking through Personal Messages so we could pass ideas between us, so we could send Richard something to make TGOK#8 Canon.

    This turn also features the first instance that I've had to redact a passage from my game turn - due to the nature of the private conversation between players in the game. Obviously, at some point, I'll have to stop copying up these turn reports due to my character's actions being too influential on the full TGOK #8 game.

    Anyway, on to the turn.

    February 1708 - London

    WITH AN EMBARRASSED look Bartholomew addressed Abigail
    Smith, “Ah, apologies, good-wife Smith. I pray you forgive me the
    accident upon your goodself, and overlook my poor temper. ‘Tis but a
    symptom of this infernal weather that endures, and sees me travel to
    your city on the beckoned call of His Grace, the Duke of Halifax.”

    Her eyes went big. “A duke you say?” She appeared impressed, and less

    “And not just any duke, the First Lord of the Treasury!” added Horace,
    appearing keen to restore relations as Ern and his mates scowled at

    Addressing the said Horace Smith, the inn-keep, Bartholomew added,
    "Now then, good sir. Will it be possible to take lodging? I am for St.
    James' at the soonest opportunity to answer these summons, but I
    would prefer to warm myself first and partake the chance of food for
    myself and my men.”

    He looked at your men, and frowned. Nervously he said, “Can hardly
    say no, Mister Bartholomew, but let’s have no more of this and all act
    like civilised men.”


    Mister York was allowed in to see the Duke of Halifax after a long wait.
    He was shown through a side door, a servant’s entrance no less, rather
    than through the main entrance, having been taken there by a sentry of
    the Her Majesty’s Scottish Guard Regiment.

    He was taken down corridors and through the door to the private
    waiting area which was opened and as the visitor he was proceeded in
    by the long suffering and ever-present secretary of the Duke of Halifax.
    Charles was not familiar with the man ushered in until the secretary
    spoke the name Yorke and he was reminded of a familiar face and
    voice that had served alongside him in his younger years. He recalled
    Sergeant Major Yorke had been the rock that a young officer could
    depend on and in all likelihood, had been the reason that Charles has
    survived and thrived. "Mr. Yorke, please do take a seat, I am most sorry
    to learn of your father’s death and the fact that I was not in attendance
    to pay my respect," Charles gestured to a chair near the fire. "I should
    like to cut to the chase and offer you a commission in a new regiment
    that I am raising. Should you be so kind to accept I should make it
    official forthwith. I know that you are a man of business, but this might
    well give you something tangible and a leg to stand on if all else fails.
    That and my investment into your business is a small thing when
    compared to your father's service and friendship to me those years ago.
    What say you Major Yorke... is this something you desire?”

    The Duke then asked Mister Yorke if he desires to continue his
    interests in business or does a life of service to Her Majesty’s
    Government strike him with interest?

    [Paragraph Removed - Sensitive Information Between Players]

    Finally the Duke offered to purchase the uniforms and lodging of
    Major Yorke as well as to make sure that the young man has what he
    needs. “After all it is his father that gave direction and wisdom to me.”


    While Bartholomew was at St. James Palace, Ern and company were
    dispatched to the River Thames and it's environs. They were set with
    the task of looking for an Indian foreigner who speaks English and
    would be capable of teaching Bartholomew the common language of
    the Madras Presidency, or the like. Ern found no shortage of such men,
    and soon had recruited an eager fellow called Pachai Laghari for such
    a task. Pachai is very thin, with a lively look about him like one who is
    excitable and eager to please (or at least to be busy!). He speaks English
    passably well, and claims to be multi-lingual when it comes to his

    The fellow has joined Ern and his mates at the Old Thameside Inn,
    where they await Bartholomew’s return.
    Stuart Bailey
    Emperor of Europe
    Emperor of Europe

    Number of posts : 2601
    Age : 61
    Location : Somewhere East of Bristol & West of Bath
    Reputation : 58
    Registration date : 2012-01-29

    TGOK 8 [Swashbuckler] - Mister B. Yorke - Page 4 Empty Re: TGOK 8 [Swashbuckler] - Mister B. Yorke

    Post by Stuart Bailey Wed Jan 17, 2018 8:47 pm

    Ooooooooohhhhh......dodgy place that Indea for free non company merchants "interlopers" like Bart and free spirited types like Big Ern.

    Historically 1 in 3 were killed by yellow fever and the like but I think in Glori and esp scabble losses seem to have been higher.

    Anyone know what happened to Charles Darcy?

    Number of posts : 661
    Location : North Yorkshire
    Reputation : 9
    Registration date : 2015-08-15

    TGOK 8 [Swashbuckler] - Mister B. Yorke - Page 4 Empty Re: TGOK 8 [Swashbuckler] - Mister B. Yorke

    Post by Rozwi_Game10 Thu Jan 18, 2018 10:32 am

    Yeah, I did consider the high mortality rate for Europeans, but I was originally thinking of playing Gujerat in TGOK (didn't, as I thought doing two positions might make me sick of the game and I'm enjoying playing Rozwi too much) but switched to Swashbuckler instead and still want to check out India.

    I think any Indian adventure is to be a way off, yet. And I'd best test the skills of Pachai Laghari (might need to 'christen' him Patchy Harry) on a definite 'Indian' speaker, 'cos learning a gobbledegook bit of made-up nonsense may be funny but not much use.

    Got to do something, though. So far, I've not gone to Greenland, turned down North Armerica (both GM offered adventures) and am now offered work from England. I can't really stay at Hull all the time - though I am quite enjoying it.


    Number of posts : 661
    Location : North Yorkshire
    Reputation : 9
    Registration date : 2015-08-15

    TGOK 8 [Swashbuckler] - Mister B. Yorke - Page 4 Empty Re: TGOK 8 [Swashbuckler] - Mister B. Yorke

    Post by Rozwi_Game10 Wed Feb 21, 2018 3:30 pm

    March 1708  London

    IT WAS NO doubt with great appreciation that Bartholomew took
    delivery of a good horse and a set of campaign and dress uniforms sent
    over by the Duke of Halifax’s staff. This followed his conservation with
    His Grace, during which he addressed the duke in this manner:

    “Thank you, M'Lord... I, er, have t'admit that you have caught me
    unprepared b'such an offer as you have given me - But, true Yorkshire
    man as I am, who am I t'turn from such duty when called upon."

    “If it be [REDACTED - too sensitive to publish], as you have mentioned, then so
    be it. I'll no doubt find a way to succeed, b' learning while doing. And if
    it pleases M'Lord t'have me be a Major in this new regiment that you'll
    be raising, then I'm sure you know best and I'll endeavour to not be a
    disappointment t'yourself. So I'll be thanking you, M'Lord.”

    Bartholomew confirmed to the duke that he would accept the military
    position, and the offer of the duke to ‘purchase the uniforms and
    lodging of Major Yorke as well as to make sure that the young man has
    what he needs’.


    Upon visiting Josiah Muddley at his London abode, Bartholomew
    found the gentleman was brimming over with joy to see him returned
    from the North. Bartholomew explained to the gentleman that the
    Duke of Halifax had called him into service. That being the case,
    Bartholomew has no choice but to resign from the position of
    employment with the gentlemen of the Royal Society, hand back the
    items that were forwarded to him for use during the expedition, and,
    lastly, offer the monies raised while at Hull for the purposes of funding
    the expedition.

    Muddley didn’t seem to know whether to look miserable or happy at
    this news.

    “Mister Muddley; I have t'admit defeat, it seems, in that I was unable
    t'secure for the expedition the services of a vessel and crew t'transport
    you all. Not for want o' trying, I'll add. But, except for't offer of a
    Scottish ship t'be hired for't purpose, from Lord Halifax, I received no
    interest from't martime parties."

    Several items were then handed over. A flintlock blunderbuss, powder
    and shot, a flint and steel necessary to light fire, a leather bottle of
    whale oil. Also, 135 guineas raised at Hull - along with the details of
    the persons who paid extra to be donating backers, in exchange for
    their names be recorded as such when the gentleman publish their
    paper to the Society.

    “Well bless your soul for your industriousness and honesty!” Muddley
    declared. “It saddens me to see our cause not yet advanced to
    adventure, and yet I cannot say it has not been advanced by your
    efforts. You sir are a gentleman, and have my admiration!”


    Back at the Old Thameside Inn, Bartholomew thanked Ern and his
    men for finding such a man as had been asked of them. Bartholomew
    introduced himself to the Indian. Asked of Pachai Laghari if he was a
    Hindoo or Moslem, or the like? And whether it was true that great
    riches were to be made in India by men of purpose and trade?

    Pachai Laghari stated he was a Moslem, and it were true India was a
    place of great riches and wealth. “Under Moghul all India will soon be
    united, for men of ambition great wealth is to be had, more than can be
    found in all England!” He then added darkly, while smiling – a
    combination which momentarily gave him the look of a madman, “But
    cross Moghul’s will and life is cruel and short.”


    Number of posts : 661
    Location : North Yorkshire
    Reputation : 9
    Registration date : 2015-08-15

    TGOK 8 [Swashbuckler] - Mister B. Yorke - Page 4 Empty Re: TGOK 8 [Swashbuckler] - Mister B. Yorke

    Post by Rozwi_Game10 Thu May 03, 2018 2:31 pm

    (Whoops! I forgot to post this last month)

    April 1708 - London:

    AS TO THE initial enquiry to Mister Horace Smith, innkeeper of the
    Old Thameside Inn – of February 1707 -Bartholomew now
    re-approached Mister Smith and asked if the subject of investment in
    his business might still be broached? And if so, what would a business
    investment of 500 guineas grant Bartholomew?

    Horace Smith looked in awe and stammered, “Ho… how… how
    much?” He proceeded to mutter under his breath, ‘500 guineas’, and
    with big eyes answered, “Mister Bartholomew, I would hardly know
    what to do with such a large sum. We being humble people. I know the
    inn is worth ten times that amount, but it was handed down by my
    father, God rest his soul! If you be minded to invest say a 100 guineas,
    that I could put to good use. The old place could do with a spring
    clean, and more besides. I would offer back a return of 20 guineas on
    your capital within two years?”


    Mister Harry Collins the book dealer welcomed Bartholomew back to
    his establishment with a fawning smile. He could not hide his pleasure
    when the ‘English fauna and flora, by Mister Hailey of
    Buckinghamshire’ was sold for the princely sum of 85 guineas. He was
    clearly happy with the transaction, and congratulatory to Bartholomew
    over the choice of book.

    Upon being asked, he pointed out a tome of not such high quality, a
    Hindoostani language primer with a plain red-binding, which he
    termed ‘a popular private run by a merchant adventurer well
    acquainted with the lands of India’. It is entitled ‘A Popular Primer of
    the Hindoostani Tongue for those who wishing to trade with Indians of
    the East, &c. by Michael Roberts Esq.’ Price 40 guineas.

    Number of posts : 661
    Location : North Yorkshire
    Reputation : 9
    Registration date : 2015-08-15

    TGOK 8 [Swashbuckler] - Mister B. Yorke - Page 4 Empty Re: TGOK 8 [Swashbuckler] - Mister B. Yorke

    Post by Rozwi_Game10 Thu May 03, 2018 2:36 pm

    May 1708 - London:

    UPON REALISING BARTHOLOMEW desired a better price on ‘A
    Popular Primer of the Hindoostani Tongue for those who wishing to
    trade with Indians of the East, &c. by Michael Roberts Esq.’, the book
    dealer looked genuinely surprised. It took quite some effort since Mister
    Harry Collins showed himself to be adept at such negotiations himself,
    but after ten minutes going back and forth he had agreed to a reduced
    price of 36 guineas. It may be true that Collins had the better of the
    deal with the last book transaction, but he clearly knows his trade and
    how to get a buyer to pay whatever price he sets, so even this relatively
    mild reduction is surely a victory of sorts for Mister Yorke!



    Bartholomew didn't do much else this month. I kept it short and sweet, with an eye to not causing issue with his [Disadvantage] temper.
    I, also, didn't want to overload the turn orders in case the negotiations for the book took longer than they did (I did provide instructions
    for various outcomes of the price negotiations).
    I am going to have to sort out the hostelry arrangements though, as now there's stabling to pay for the price is rather steep.

    Also, after 22 turns played, I think it is about time Bartholomew ventured off on an adventure in foreign climes.
    So, Hindoostani phrase book and 'Patchy Harry' to hand, I think next month will see the search for berth aboard eastwards-sailing ship commence.
    Anyone want to buy a horse?!

    Number of posts : 661
    Location : North Yorkshire
    Reputation : 9
    Registration date : 2015-08-15

    TGOK 8 [Swashbuckler] - Mister B. Yorke - Page 4 Empty Re: TGOK 8 [Swashbuckler] - Mister B. Yorke

    Post by Rozwi_Game10 Thu May 31, 2018 5:55 pm

    June 1708. Bartholomew finds himself sailing west (wasn't it supposed to be east?). Second problem being, his Indian language teacher has run off!

    Stuart Bailey
    Emperor of Europe
    Emperor of Europe

    Number of posts : 2601
    Age : 61
    Location : Somewhere East of Bristol & West of Bath
    Reputation : 58
    Registration date : 2012-01-29

    TGOK 8 [Swashbuckler] - Mister B. Yorke - Page 4 Empty Re: TGOK 8 [Swashbuckler] - Mister B. Yorke

    Post by Stuart Bailey Sat Jun 02, 2018 5:08 pm

    Rozwi_Game10 wrote:June 1708. Bartholomew finds himself sailing west (wasn't it supposed to be east?). Second problem being, his Indian language teacher has run off!


    If sailing from England to India you do have to start off by sailing west in other to get round Iberia and Africa.

    If you go much more west that 20-25 degrees west do not turn south (left to a Yorkshire land lubber) that will be the point to get worried about catching the wrong ship and start brushing up on the fur trade and north american indian languages.

    Is G8 the game were the Indian allies of the English & French are busy with a savage frontier war in the colonies?

    Well Bartholomew keep all of his hair for the next few turns? Very Happy

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    TGOK 8 [Swashbuckler] - Mister B. Yorke - Page 4 Empty Re: TGOK 8 [Swashbuckler] - Mister B. Yorke

    Post by Rozwi_Game10 Sun Jun 03, 2018 11:10 am

    After weeks of sailing west, and the weather keeps getting colder, the landfall encountered is best described as ice-land and not at all Green, then Bartholomew knows it is not his day and making fun of the Danish at the Guy Fawke's Night ball was a bad idea.

    Thankfully the above scenario won't be happening. As after initially sailing West, the boat continued southward. Then sailed into a harbour. Allowing Bart to hop, skip and then jump onto terra firma. Oh, thanfully, Bart has heard there's an English quarter closeby. So here's hoping for free board and lodge ... women love a man in uniform, right? Wonder if there's any rich widows...?

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    TGOK 8 [Swashbuckler] - Mister B. Yorke - Page 4 Empty Re: TGOK 8 [Swashbuckler] - Mister B. Yorke

    Post by Rozwi_Game10 Sat Jun 16, 2018 10:25 am

    Just realised my B.Yorke sounds a lot like Bjork.

    Total coincidence, in case anyone was wondering.

    Still, next time I have to use my disadvantage of Anger, I could go all diva and look to emulate the Icelandic singer. Twisted Evil

    Number of posts : 661
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    TGOK 8 [Swashbuckler] - Mister B. Yorke - Page 4 Empty Re: TGOK 8 [Swashbuckler] - Mister B. Yorke

    Post by Rozwi_Game10 Sat Jun 23, 2018 3:51 pm

    Unfortunately I've had to withdraw from Game 8 (and Game 9) due to an old injury returning and forcing me to leave my main form of employment.

    B. Yorke was at Lisbon, Portugal on his last turn.

    He was also responsible for the prank on the Danish embassy in London the other turn - staging the mock break-in Twisted Evil Razz [He still hadn't forgiven them for blocking his visa to Greenland]

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    TGOK 8 [Swashbuckler] - Mister B. Yorke - Page 4 Empty Re: TGOK 8 [Swashbuckler] - Mister B. Yorke

    Post by Deacon Sat Jun 23, 2018 4:15 pm

    I'm so sorry to hear this. I had to drop some games while I was unemployed as well. It sucks.


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    TGOK 8 [Swashbuckler] - Mister B. Yorke - Page 4 Empty Re: TGOK 8 [Swashbuckler] - Mister B. Yorke

    Post by tkolter Sat Jun 23, 2018 7:41 pm

    Sad I liked reading your tale, I'm in Game 10 Swashbuckler and you all got me interested in it.

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    TGOK 8 [Swashbuckler] - Mister B. Yorke - Page 4 Empty Re: TGOK 8 [Swashbuckler] - Mister B. Yorke

    Post by Kingmaker Sun Jun 24, 2018 10:23 am

    I am still about in G7

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    TGOK 8 [Swashbuckler] - Mister B. Yorke - Page 4 Empty Re: TGOK 8 [Swashbuckler] - Mister B. Yorke

    Post by revvaughan Mon Jun 25, 2018 2:31 am

    Hate to hear that... Sorry for the injury that has flared up and I certainly hope for a speedy recovery.
    The Revenant
    The Revenant

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    TGOK 8 [Swashbuckler] - Mister B. Yorke - Page 4 Empty Re: TGOK 8 [Swashbuckler] - Mister B. Yorke

    Post by The Revenant Tue Jun 26, 2018 5:46 pm

    Echoing the sympathies... we haven't overlapped in-game as such, but I've always enjoyed and profited-from your posts here (which hopefully will continue). Hoping there's a circumstantial up-turn for you soon...

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