The Japanese announcement is a surprise, I wonder if the French made an amazingly good offer or if its simply we don't have an active Dutch player so the Japanese have gone to someone active for support and trade?
Interesting to see the Chinese taking such a forceful diplomatic attitude. Diplomacy for Kwantung is difficult-if you play a historical game well, you are really only going to talk to Portugal in Europe...but if Portugal's player isn't interested (or its a vacant position) then it is a challenge to find someone else in Europe to talk to. The Dutch and Spanish are options as they both have colonies near by but then they might be seen as threats. France is another possibility, did come across evidence recently of a Chinese diplomatic mission to France in the v early 18th C.
Must admit like Stuart, I am a bit surprised at the friendliness between Venice and the Ottomans...but don't worry still plenty of time for them to start slaughtering each other