by Stuart Bailey Thu Jan 21, 2016 1:01 am
Rozwi_Game10 wrote:Thanks Ardagor.
Yes, after reading (possibly by yourself) the same advice elsewhere on this forum that is, in-fact, what I've done.
Putting battalions into regimental units, and assigning named commanders to each.
Army Regulations.
Looking into shield and spear improvements.
After the drilling is complete I'll hold a field day for the army to put into practice the training they've completed, which will hopefully allow me to see any problems that need attention.
If you look at the forces of Madagascar and the East Coast States and the forces which fought the "Slave" wars in West Africa they often included Sailors/Adventurers from Europe, The Ottoman Empire and even India who provided artillery and troops armed with fire arms.
Characters like James Plantain, the Scot James Adair & the Dane Hans Burgen are good examples of the kind of dodgy merc's you can hire.
Small in number compared to the Tribal Armies but you can probably convert a frigate or even a merchant crew into a couple of artillery units using Naval Guns remounted and pulled by men or Oxen. Which can blow a nice big hole in hostile stockades or disorder your foe's spearmen before you send your own Spearmen in.
Not so sure about deep mines and getting gold from gold ore but you can collect gold from rivers in East Africa using traditional methods and with gold you can attract "White Slaves and Cannon" to your service.
White Slaves, Cannon, Many Wives and Lion Hunting would seem to be the way to go. Just under no circumstances allow Richard to take your gold and hire you off white slaves with heron feathers in their hats called Jannissaries! These are very bad men and real trouble unless you fancy conversion to Islam and ordering a Holy War which would really annoy the Portugese but would allow you to send begging letters to the Ottomans, Shah of Persia and the Great Moghul.