by J Flower Thu Nov 29, 2018 8:30 am
Militia is a locally raised Mass Levy in Game, I think 10% of total population ( not sure without reference to rules) Badly armed unless you make weapons avaliable to them, most probably officered by local minor Gentry. Ok for harrassing enemy but don't expect them to be happy to move too far from home, or stand up in a fight against regular troops, defending their homes is one thing marching on Moscow is another. Bear in mind raising the levy will impact on your Ecomomy because you are taking workers from the fields/ factories of your country.
Line troops / Tribal Infanrty make up the bulk of most armies & are basically what the label says on the tin.
Elite troops are the Superior troops you are seeking, but don't raise a whole army of them as they are the "Elite " of your army, so raising too many dilutes the whole effect.
Drilling in general improves Line troops/ Elite troops without actually changing their in game statue, Levels of drill, indicate how well they march & hold formation on a battlefield & how coordinated their volleys are & also speed of relaoding & hence Rate of Fire are all tied into Levels of drill.
How your Military Doctrine is implemented is also influenced by levels of Drill, the more they have practiced the more familiar they are with it.