The Real Louis wrote:. In slightly over a game year (with a lot of real-world investment) I've built the position up from a 4 in both Honour and Economy to 36 and 9
Can some one please explain how the ??????? you get a Honour score up from 4 to 36 Honour score in a touch over a game year!? That is a average increase of around 3 honour points a turn?
I always believed an increase of 2 honour points in a turn was a myth. When it actually happened to one of my characters I assumed it was an mis-print esp as honour went down by a point the next turn. But then I won an election and my Elector got made Holy Roman Emperor and I got 2 honour points which seemed to indicate that it was possible but a bit like getting a Eagle in Golf so three points must be like a hat trick in cricket.
Can someone advise if a 3 honour point increase in a turn is actually common? And what am I doing wrong is it me or just the positions I have played? Do some positions like being King of France, Blackbeard or the Pope have a built in ability to rocket honour scores not shared by lesser mortals?
So far various characters of mine have:
1) Visited Mecca & Rome .......1 honour point.
2) Got married & had heirs born......1 honour point.
3) Had nice funerials with large sums paid out as per wills......1 honour point.
4) Saved Capital of Ottoman Empire .....1 honour point.
5) Built tons of stuff and hosted huge numbers of Opera's, Bull Fights, Horse Race Meeting's etc, etc
6) Even risked life of character by having him lead a Cavalry Charge which pushed a 30,000 strong Hapsburg Army into the Danube and saved Hungary......think I got 2 minus one for insulting the Grand Mufti on same turn.
But I have never seen a three point increase in one turn.